Key facts and figures (latest data)

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• Rising inflation brought about by the Brexit vote’s impact on the pound has further reduced levels of real pay and placed more strain on household budgets.
• 13.5 million people – 21% of the population – were living in poor, low-income households in 2013-2014. By 2016 the figure had risen to 22%. Of these, 55% of those in working families are now living in poverty – a record high.
• In 2016-2017 the Trussell Trust provided three-day emergency food and support to more than 1.2 million people. In 2010-2011 the figure was just over 61,000.
• More than 1.5 million adults in the UK personally lacked access to a bank account in 2015-2016.
• In 2016 the savings ratio fell to a new low of 3.3%, compared to 11.5% in 2010.
• In 2017 21% of people said they would need to borrow money to meet a one-off expense of £200. 11% said they would not be able to meet this expense.
• The annual rate of growth in credit card lending is now at a higher level than at the peak of the financial crisis.
• In 2015 39% of the British public said it was ‘somewhat of a burden’ to keep up with bills and credit commitments. A further 10% said it was a ‘heavy burden’.
• Most people think the Brexit vote will have a negative impact on the economy, and one in five believe they are now more likely to lose their jobs.

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