Health campaigns together

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50,000 people marched through London in the blazing heat on Saturday 30 June to celebrate the 70th Anniversary of the National Health Service, and to warn against privatisation and the government’s failure to properly fund this vital service.
13 members of Islington Pensioners Forum and Tottenham and Wood Green Pensioners Action Group staged a static demonstration near Trafalgar Square, greeting the marchers as they made their way to Whitehall and displaying National Pensioners Convention banners, including the one pictured here (produced and donated by artist/banner maker Ed Hall), which looks splendid in full colour! (unfortunately the cost of producing our newsletter does not allow us to use colour).
It was great to see so many health professionals on the march; they are the backbone and the champions of our NHS. without whom the service could not carry out its vital work for the rest of us.
Make no mistake, as this banner states: the campaign to “keep our NHS safe for all generations” goes on, and we in the pensioners’ movement are fully involved in this.

This entry was posted in Health.
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      16 January 2024 Committee Room 1, Islington Town Hall, Upper Street

      10.30am-1pm Our monthly forum meetings are on the third Thursday of every month. Our next meeting is on 16 January 10.30 am. Speaker: Yannis Gourtsoyannis (Junior Doctor) Assisted dying.

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