Sotheby Mews reprieve

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The Council has decided to delay the closure of Sotheby Mews Day Centre (Highbury East) until the end of February 2019 allowing more time to iron out details. Local Councillor Osh Gantly told users of the centre that this would enable a greater degree of consultation and a greater degree of trust-building.
Councillors reported this decision to a meeting of Sotheby campaigners on Tuesday 20th February, but the campaigners went on to hand over their 2,000-strong petition to the Council meeting on 22nd Februay. underlining their disappointment that they had not been properly consulted and that they fear the loss of their much-loved accessible centre, especially as Highbury Roundhouse is not on a bus route.
Clearly the Council is caught between the effect of the £200m cuts in government grants,, the aim to maintain current services and the need to open up space for the building of genuinely affordable housing.
The Council will now spend more time working with Highbury Roundhouse in Highbury East and the service users to make sure that the best possible arrangements are finally put in place.

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